Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The street is shut down

well i'm done with this blog i hardly have anytime to vent anymore now that i have an apartment. Now i'm still on the hunt for a job. but i did make a tumblr though so if you really care to see what i'm talking about just look me up on there. It's still under construction but i will be on their real soon to drop some knowledge like i usually do. i'm pretty lost on their right now but i will slowly get the hang of it once i get enough free time. http://wordontheblock.tumblr.com/

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Man Kill That Noise

I have no clue where people get this mind state that they have so much money. Honestly if you have that much why would you expose your wealth over a social networking site? These are the same idiots that be complaining about how people are hating on them and trying to rob em. I have no remorse for idiots who do this time of stuff. Stunting does nothing more but get you into shit. Another thing that irritates me about people that claim to have so much money, why don't try to share that wealth with people that really need it. Yeah sure it's alot of niggas out here getting money but it's also alot of niggas out here struggling. That the problem with black people ya'll quick to brag about what you have but slow to help out others. But don't worry about it it's cool to be greedy because, over time you'll eventually start running out of money and start scrambling to keep your head above water. Even when i go to taco bell or whatever fast food restaurant and they have a little donation box or something i always throw a little something in there. Now no i don't do it all the time but a majority of the time if i have some money left over i'll even put something in the tip jar. I do it out of the kindness of my heart. I hope someone finds this post to be informative

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's been a while

Man i've been neglecting this blog for a while but since i'm actually free i'ma spit some shit thats been on my mind for a while now. As of right now i'm staying with some great friends of mine in their apartment since my school decided to not give me housing this year. I'm still currently looking for an apartment out here in baltimore. I have a room mate in mind but right now for what ever reason she's decided to not return my phone calls. My friends say that i can stay with them for as long as i want but i still want my own place just because, everyone needs their space it's only human. Other than my current housing situation i've been in a pretty alright mood. Schools going all right so far i really can't complain. Hopefully my friend comes through with this apartment but i have a good feeling that she won't come through so tomorrow i plan on looking up some apartments tomorrow for myself cause i don't have time for bullshit man. Looks like i'll have to find me a job while i'm up here to cause i know my dad won't pay for my apartment by his self. I tell you man life right now is difficult but i'm not going to bitch and moan cause that wont' solve a thing. For the few friends that read this blog if you haven't heard from me lately it's cause i'm busy trying to get myself situated out here i'm not neglecting you guys even though i only hear from a handful of you guys. So just keep me in your prayers and hope the best for me right since that's all you guys can do.