man lookin @ some of these facebook statuses from niggas back @ home is just agigtating. Some of ya'll need to get out of waldorf and do something with your selves. seriously, do something more productive with your lives instead of stalking high school girls and talking about how the world is out to get you. the worlds not out to get you,you just don't have a life and your lookin for an exscuse.back to my life, my i'm starting to get real discouraged more and more day by day. i guess it's time to get a tutor cuz it looks like my common knowledge has no credibility anymore. i thought i was goin to get a refund check. come to find out i'm not. i could have sworn 3 weeks ago some dick head that worked for the school told i was due for mine in 3 weeks and when i went on monday to pick it up and apparently i don't get one now. that upset me because i was hoping to take that money to put in my savings so i could buy books next semester. speaking of money i was suppose to start my work study a while ago but i still don't know where my social security or birth cirtificate is @,man i wish my mom told me where she kept all that stuff. so it looks like another good oppurtunity for me has been put to i hope things get better for me in the future cuz right now i'm not feeling to well.
Share of the Week – Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Last week, we asked you rewind back to the summer of 1995 and share moments
from Lost Records: Bloom & Rage using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this
week’s hi...
1 day ago
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