I'm on the home stretch for school. man what a semester i had. i never wrote a 7 page paper in my life until this semester which is why i've been on hiatus for a minute. But man wednesday can't come soon enough. I have never been so ready to work in my life. All i want to do is fix my car up and cop as many shoes and clothes as possible this summer. On a side note i would like to also find a female friend. Not a wifey cuz i don't plan on getting married no time soon but a female that can be my friend before we can start a relationship. I strongly believe if your significant other is your best friend then your relationship will be way easier for you to manage. Also this summer i plan on making a trip to NYC finally. Even if i get a weekend up there i'll be fine with that. I'll also be going back to atlanta for at least a week this summer to see some family. Hopefully next summer i can find a way out to Cali. But i think if i go out there then i may not come back to maryland. Seems like cali got everything even a sonic and a jack in the box.(don't ask why i just want to eat @ those restaurants) Well i would like to talk about some more stuff but i barley have anytime cuz i have another 5 page paper to write by monday and i got a final to study for on monday so the next time i post i'll probably be out of this hell hole, so until then.
Share of the Week – Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Last week, we asked you rewind back to the summer of 1995 and share moments
from Lost Records: Bloom & Rage using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this
week’s hi...
1 day ago
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