Thursday, January 7, 2010


man facebook is starting to get some what irritating. man some of the statuses i read are just plain dumb. the dumbest one i can remember is one with this girl i go to school with she said, "All niggas are dumb". lol the first guy that replied said "i got a b in biology this past semester". i told her that she hasn't dated everyman on the planet so she can't clarify if we're all dumb. Then she said, i've had enough experience blah blah blah i know what i'm talking about. So i replied "don't be mad at the world because you have a fatal attraction to dumb nigga's. i'm not at fault for your mistake. then she said something about me being doctor phil. after that i just said fuck whatever. I have alot of shallow girls on my friend list i just get tired of seeing it after a while. Now the new dumb way for people to put their business out there via internet is some site called forumspring. From what i see it's like some type of site where anonymous people ask you random questions. Now most of the people claim it's for entertainment. Me from a personal stand point i think it's dumb and idiotic. For one why do you care about what someone wants to ask you. Not to mention people can pretty much put all your business on the net by asking you a personal question. Then to add on to the dumbness people get mad at other people for asking certain questions. LOL that just funny to me cuz you set your self up for having an account on the site. Just my 2 cents of how dumb people are.