ever been so bored that you can't even go to sleep. thank the lord this is my last night by myself in this dorm. i'm really about to lose my mind right now. my t.v. still don't pick up shit. I went to the mall today to get off campus for a bit. Man public transportation never seize to amaze me in this amazing city of baltimore. I swear i waited for the bus for a good 2 hours. I'm exaggerating but when it's cold outside ever minute seems like an eternity. I got into a argument with this cat i hang with. Man don't you hate when you argue with someone who already thinks they know more than you??? That shit is agitating. Now usually i try not to get into it with people that don't know what the hell their talking about when it comes to shoes. Apparently someone with a pair of general release dunks,supra's, some everyday pradas, and all white jordan 12's thinks their collection is better than mine. now anyone that knows me know that i have an amazing shoe collection. I don't want to sound like i'm gloating but man compared to what i've seen this nigga rock he ain't got shit on me. I just hate to talking to dumb ass people. I don't know why i let this one conversation get to me so much. i guess because i don't have none of my friends to back me up with this debate. i honestly don't care for one soul for anyone that attends this school. quite honestly i'm at the point of my life where i don't care to make any new friends. it's all about business with me at this point. if you about a bunch of phony bullshit stay the fuck from around me seriously. When i get around people like that i want to do some serious damage to them. On another note i'm highly anticipating this upcoming semester only because i would like to learn more new things to help me out in the future and to be a jackass to people that i don't like at all. i seriously get an entertainment out of that i wish i could record the shit i say and do to people. if you watch entourage and pay attention to ari gold then that pretty much sums me up.
Share of the Week – Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Last week, we asked you rewind back to the summer of 1995 and share moments
from Lost Records: Bloom & Rage using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this
week’s hi...
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