since i've actually spoke about my current music taste. Quite honestly in my eyes it's been a music drought in my eyes. But i will say this year seems to be promising. On the r&b side of things we have sade dropping her first album in lord knows how long. but she never disappoints me. Erykah badu is finally dropping a album sometime in February. Teedra moses supposedly has a mixtape coming out on valentines day along with her Young Lioness album aometime this year. I also heard a rumor that Amy Winehouse has a new album coming soon. I can carless about her drug related issues the woman makes some good music in my eyes. As for the hip hop aspect i'm highly anticipating Jay electronica's album. i doubt it will sell that well do to the fact that he doesn't appeal to a mainstream image. which is a even better reason to check the album out in my opinion. My boy J. Cole got his first album lights please coming out in either march or april. Drake has his first album dropping next month. i'm really not anticipating it too much because i'm somewhat disappointed at how his lyricism is somewhat changed to a punchline rapper.but i'll still check his album out though cuz he could actually surprise me. The last but certainly not lease album i plan to anticipate is M.I.A. I love that womens music. I don't know what it is about her but i just like her music,from what i'm hearing her album drops sometime this summer.
ever been so bored that you can't even go to sleep. thank the lord this is my last night by myself in this dorm. i'm really about to lose my mind right now. my t.v. still don't pick up shit. I went to the mall today to get off campus for a bit. Man public transportation never seize to amaze me in this amazing city of baltimore. I swear i waited for the bus for a good 2 hours. I'm exaggerating but when it's cold outside ever minute seems like an eternity. I got into a argument with this cat i hang with. Man don't you hate when you argue with someone who already thinks they know more than you??? That shit is agitating. Now usually i try not to get into it with people that don't know what the hell their talking about when it comes to shoes. Apparently someone with a pair of general release dunks,supra's, some everyday pradas, and all white jordan 12's thinks their collection is better than mine. now anyone that knows me know that i have an amazing shoe collection. I don't want to sound like i'm gloating but man compared to what i've seen this nigga rock he ain't got shit on me. I just hate to talking to dumb ass people. I don't know why i let this one conversation get to me so much. i guess because i don't have none of my friends to back me up with this debate. i honestly don't care for one soul for anyone that attends this school. quite honestly i'm at the point of my life where i don't care to make any new friends. it's all about business with me at this point. if you about a bunch of phony bullshit stay the fuck from around me seriously. When i get around people like that i want to do some serious damage to them. On another note i'm highly anticipating this upcoming semester only because i would like to learn more new things to help me out in the future and to be a jackass to people that i don't like at all. i seriously get an entertainment out of that i wish i could record the shit i say and do to people. if you watch entourage and pay attention to ari gold then that pretty much sums me up.
i'm back at school now. classes don't start til the 25th but i decided to go back yesterday morning. So far i'm bored out of my mind. i really wish my father would have let me bring my ps3. i literally only have my laptop. i brought my t.v. but for some odd reason i can't pick up nothing. I've been surviving off my entourage dvds. I swear if i didn't have those i would lose my sanity. My room mate doesn't plan on coming back until the day before we go back. Man days are 10 times longer when you don't have shit else to do. On the upside i saw a few lovely females. They looked high maintenance though so i'll just keep my piece. i learned over the break that their just a fatal attraction for me. it's difficult to stop being attracted to something after doing it for years but i'll get over it. On another note i decided to start looking at this stressful college road as a blessing instead of perceiving it as a bad situation. I know i sound like a loser right now but hey we can't be cool all the time.(LOL) I had to see some of my friends situations to actually accept my own.
people these days are a trip. i know i'm starting to sound redundant with about this whole friend stuff but man that subject plays a major role in my life. i love having a long time to think about certain things. This little vacation brought me to a new realization. niggaz sure do like to use me for their personal gains. See i was talking to one of my old friends from way back had a heart to heart for a good hour about how niggaz out here just ain't as real as the claim to be. i hate when niggaz call me on the regular to see "what the moves are" instead of calling to see if i'm still alive. people are so selfish these days. which brings me to another point i highly dislike stingy people. especially when they claim that they your "brotha". man please i would never even think twice about helpin one of my boys out. People need to recognize and realize not everyone that say their your mans is really your mans.
trying to get rid of both of these jackets the first one is a black/red north face track jacket,judge off the pic's, i'm trying to get rid of it for $40 it's a mens medium. as for the helly henson jacket it's navy blue and red it's a XL i asking for $50 but if someone wants both i'll let em go for $100 paypal or meet up is accepted so just drop me a e-mail if your interested @
man facebook is starting to get some what irritating. man some of the statuses i read are just plain dumb. the dumbest one i can remember is one with this girl i go to school with she said, "All niggas are dumb". lol the first guy that replied said "i got a b in biology this past semester". i told her that she hasn't dated everyman on the planet so she can't clarify if we're all dumb. Then she said, i've had enough experience blah blah blah i know what i'm talking about. So i replied "don't be mad at the world because you have a fatal attraction to dumb nigga's. i'm not at fault for your mistake. then she said something about me being doctor phil. after that i just said fuck whatever. I have alot of shallow girls on my friend list i just get tired of seeing it after a while. Now the new dumb way for people to put their business out there via internet is some site called forumspring. From what i see it's like some type of site where anonymous people ask you random questions. Now most of the people claim it's for entertainment. Me from a personal stand point i think it's dumb and idiotic. For one why do you care about what someone wants to ask you. Not to mention people can pretty much put all your business on the net by asking you a personal question. Then to add on to the dumbness people get mad at other people for asking certain questions. LOL that just funny to me cuz you set your self up for having an account on the site. Just my 2 cents of how dumb people are.
well this break for the most part has been boring but i have had alot of time to sit back and reflect on alot of things. For one i think i need to distance myself from a few people especially my so called friends. When your friend makes a decision a true friend will support them. Well apparently a few of mine don't seem to understand that concept. A small handful of them smoke and i have no problem with that @ all. But when you continue to hound me about not smoking then it starts to challenge the friendship. Me personally i choose not to smoke @ all i think it's purposeless and expensive habit not to mention unhealthy. Thus the reason why i choose not to smoke. For some dumbass reason mines don't seem to understand that concept. They always attempt to make me smoke for some odd reason even when i made the idea crystal clear that i won't and don't plan to in the future. No means no flat out. Well on the other hand of my problems my car has no fuckin heat. well actually now it does but it only works on one speed. Long story short don't buy a vw seriously cuz the dealership around my way is some garbage seriously. I been up that hell hole 3 times in the past 2 weeks going on round 4 tomorrow. I promise if my car is not fully fixed tomorrow i will have to get out of my character and get pretty ignorant which i have no problem with when people try to play with my money.
Well my new years was iight i guess. could have been alot better but it really wasn't much to do. I didn't even drink this year. After a while i don't see a purpose to really drink. I mean i'll have a sip or two but after a while i started to think it's really pointless after a while. Now i'm not trying to down talk on anyone that does drink. So far this year has started off decent. Me and my dad went to the newsuem out down town. I don't know what it is about it but i love it there. They added a few new exhibits since the last time i went. Their was some sports section in there and they had this photo of serena williams all i'ma say is dizaamn she was lookin to gorgeous in that pic she can carry my seed any day lol. I saw like 5 photo's of michael jordan in there. Honestly i can careless about him i just like his shoes. From what i read on the internet he's not necessarily fan friendly. Well other than these past few weeks being boring i really don't have much to say so until the next post. see ya
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