i don't know now a days.the word friend is used to loose in my opinion. It's funny how you can know some one for years and they'll get brand new on you when females come into place. i really don't appreciate that. But that just shows you how real they are. But it's i know i got about a good 5 friends i can trust. As far as female friends go with i probably have a good 6 i can just chill and talk to about anything. I've also learned that you can't do business with friends either. I don't know why they but money + friends = trouble. I don't think i'll ever do that again unless they have all the money at one time. Another problem i want to address is fakes. I hate people that have no mind of their own. For example people that just hop on to every trend out their. Me on the other hand i dare to be different and don't really care for what people think of me,as long as i'm happy with myself thats all that matters. females are just to damn complicated to me. i hate how i try to put in work to get closer to a female and they don't make a effort to do the same. I guess that just means were not compatible. seems like around my way all they want is a guy with dreads,skateboard,or keyboarder. O well in due time the right one will come along...
i agree with 100%!
are you targeting me.
a phrase of wisdom Jman,
"its not about what you do.
its about why you do it."
yeah every girl loves my hair.
every girl uses skating lessons to have me around.
but me dissin' a girl that only want to pull my hair.
and pushing a phony chick off my skateboard is what seperates the men from the boys.
its never entirety but majority.
meaning not all girls.
but definitely most.
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