Man these past few days have been farfetched. Went home this past weekend and had a pretty good time. Went down adams morgan(a strip of clubs and restaurants in D.C.) saturday and had one hell of a time until i had to figure out how to get home. I'm not going to lie i'm not to road conscious of D.C. But you know what makes matters worse when your lost??? Passengers that don't make an effort to help. So it's like 3 in the morning and i'm driving around the city and one of my friends is just in the back seat cracking a bunch of dumb ass jokes. After a while i got agitated so i said fuck alter ego kicked in and i went off. So while i'm ranting some little young bastard that my friend brought along started running his mouth. So i told him to shut up for i beat his ass and leave in D.C. You would think if someone is mouthing off to you when your friends are present they would say something back. Not mine though instead of trying to calm the situation he made matters worse claiming that he would fight me and the kid i'm arguing with. Now i know it was just another dumb ass joke but that enraged me even more. Friends are suppose to lookout for each other. I would never let some nigga i just met recently mouth off to any of my close friends just for the simple fact that i know my friends would do the same. So to spark note this story i tailgated this guy @ a stop light to get home. Finally once i get ready to drop my friends off only one person gave me gas money. $3 fucking which in todays gas prices don't do a damn thing to your gas tank. Now some may say i'm overreacting but i will never ever have another outgoing with this friend of mine again especially if i'm the transportation. I never felt so disrespected in my life. I was going to call and talk to him about but you know what i don't care anymore theirs too many times i can recall when i've been bullshitted by this nigga so i'm pretty done with it all. So for all the people back at home thats stuck on stupid just know i'm done with you all. Since i'm in school now none of you matter to me. I don't care about how long i've known you. You all will need me way before i need any of you.
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