Probably one of the best weeks i've had so far this semester. Maybe its the weather or the people i'm around but either way the past few days have been great minus the random nightmares i'm continue to have. Along with that i approached a few youngins here and there. All i can say about that is the right women at the wrong time. I swear the best potential females are always in a relationship. I mean i could probably still get em but making a girl drop her man for you pretty much shows she'll do the same to you so i'll save a lot of time and thought and keep it movin. On another light note the weather has been so good these past few days. matter fact it's 70 degree's right now without a cloud in sight. man i'm anticipating spring break like it's christmas. Thankfully i take my last midterm tomorrow morning which i'm confident that i'll do well on. So since i'm leavin tomorrow i might as well pack now.
Share of the Week – Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Last week, we asked you rewind back to the summer of 1995 and share moments
from Lost Records: Bloom & Rage using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this
week’s hi...
1 day ago
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