Sunday, November 22, 2009

As the days wind down

i've never been so ready to get off this campus. man i feel like i'm in jail sometimes minus the bars. this past weekend i skipped a lil party to do some homework. i probably sound like an abnormal college kid but i really don't get caught up in that hype. Most people that do are losers who didn't have freedom back @ home or just people who generally have nothing else to do with their life. Now i'm not bashing on partying i do believe it's fun but doing it week after week is pointless. dancing with the same sweaty broads and eye candy gets old. I really need to find something else to do with my weekends up here. I'm highly anticipating an apartment off campus. My main reason why i prefer to live off campus is because, i grow tired of being around narrow minded people all the time. I honestly don't see the fun in college, and no it's not because i go to morgan i think it's because i'm getting too mature for the people i'm around. Just sitting here dwelling i can recollect some narrow minded people i hang around. The only reason why is because, their entertaining to me. Now i'm not trying to say that i'm above anyone but i feel that my intellect just doesn't click well to certain people . On to another note i talked to my father the other day. I spoke with him about me having to retake a course next semester. Reluctantly this won't set me back @ all but it is perplexing to know that i might have to retake it. I just dislike the fact that all that hard work i put in was just disrespected. Especially when i asked the instructor for some help and he told me i'm pretty hopeless even if i do well on the final. I swear i wanted to say something ignorant to him but that wouldn't have helped my situation so i just bit my lip. I surprised to see hear that my father wasn't upset about the whole situation. He actually livened my spirit a little bit and told me he was still proud of me regardless. He also made me even happier when he told me that i received some deals in the mail from the lacoste store.