Sunday, June 21, 2009

As of late

i'm startin to notice alot of people i affiliate with. like to use me for there hidden agenda's. now that i think back on it most of the people i used to go to school with did that. a recent examplegot this one associate(cuz we are far from friends) used to try to put me on a guilt trip to pick her up from places and take her home. people in general are funny. so then when i brought up the fact that i knew i was being used she gave me that WTF look. she was like it's not even like that and i was like yea i know its not (in a sarcastic voice). then i got people constantly botherin me about shoe sites,release dates, etc... and it's funny cuz half the people that ask me that shit don't ever and i mean ever talk to me unless it's to benefit them in a way. and then they be trying to defend themselves when you find out they be like "o nah son i just wanted to ask you about the shoes and then i swear i was about to ask you how you been" people are full of shit these days. honestly i don't really trust anyone. this world is filled with real people but it's just as many shady people as well. Another thing thats really starting to piss me the hell off is these fake as nickle and dime drug dealers out here. some of you niggas need to wake up cuz if your just selling tree's out here you ain't making no kinda money. all ya'll doin is wasting time and money. sure you could try to say man rashad don't know what the fuck your talking about. but seriously just sit and think about what the hell you doing cuz you know if you slip thats it for you. simple as that. niggas seem to unaware how hard it is to get a job after you get locked for a minute.