Friday, March 27, 2009

i think

I know why my weekends are starting to get pretty boring week in and week out. most of my friends just get blazed out all weekend and do nothin but sit there. since I don't smoke @ all I guess that makes me the odd ball out of everyone else. I just never saw a purpose of smoking so proclaim its a stress releiver. well if that's the case then music is my weed. I know I sound corny right now but its the truth. its bad enough im addicted to buyin shoes. I couldn't imagine smokin and tryin to cop shoes. i'd be even more broke than I am now. I just can't get wit dat...


MOP TOP said...

ha! don't even try. I find myself in loneliness n boredom because most of my friends like to smoke, drink, and go clubbin every weekend. I'd much rather sit around at home listening to my Zune and writing since i don't smoke or drink..

but when you a blogger like us and thats what you love to do it's kinda hard to write about writing haha.

so this year i made it my mission to just get into my own and find shit i loove to do. Efff my "friends"