Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blown nigga blues

Man young I swear it's impossible to get a fuckin job now a days. This quote on quote recession bullshit really is affecting me. Man it's damn near impossible to make money now. Guess I gotta sale some of my shoes again. Smh all that hard work to get em and I gotta sale em again. Still no damn car and I highly doubt I'll get one any time soon considering the fact that the job market all fucked up. I wish I had a whip so I wouldn't be limited to to lookin for a job in one area. In other news I sat in line with my mom for 4 fucking hours last night just to see Steve harvey. I was pretty pissed off but didn't show it. I drove my mom all the way up largo thinkin that she'll let me go back home to see my school bball game. I called my dad hoping he would pick her up but instead he decided to pull a dick head move and go hang out with one of his friends. I didn't really show my mom I was mad I jus played it off. School on the other hand is getting more and more boring day by day but that's a story for another day

Saturday, January 24, 2009

O Reily @ it again

i honestly don't see the big deal they just voiced their opinion about bush. why do rappers always get judged for there lyrics when theirs bigger issues out here???

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why me???

First off I want to say congrats to obama it's good to finally see a brother in the white house. now to my new issue I get home from school today and I smell something burning I ask my mom was she cookin fish and she said no she made a hot dog. So I went to give her the food she ordered from me me's cafe. So my dad comes home from work and he kept saying that something smell burnt so I said it was hot dogs from earlier. next after another few minutes pass he goes to the oven and sees that it's still on. So he comes bitchin @ me like it's my fault that some burnt food was in the oven. Number one I didn't cook the food so how was I suppose to know what the smell was. Second why are you mad @ me like it's my fault mom left the food in there to long? So he says well next time use common sense and check the oven. And yea he is right about that but he really should have took that arguement to my mom considering the fact that she was the reason for the burnt food in the first place. Then my mom comes downstairs asking what the problem is so I decided to walk away cuz my da said what he had to say. My mom comes out of no where saying that I said to my dad that "I don't want to hear this shit" where the fuck did she get that from I don't know then she said that I have a smart mouth and I act like I can't have no one tell me nothin. I. Noticed over the pass few years that my mom just likes to start shit with me over simple shit. Now I see my brother moved out. I hate people that do that shit like what do you solve or accomplish by starting arguements???

Monday, January 19, 2009

Longer post then usual

yea got a little bored today so i decided to make a long post,i know you guys are bored cuz your reading this but anyways check the videos .....

o and give me my late pass but son is pretty mean lyrically. believe it or not t proc put me on to this guy. lol if you know who t proc is then i'm sure ya'll laughin right now. but any ways if you just sitting in the house bored like me right now check his mixtapes out the something serious
Pink lava lamp
sonic the hamilton

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


call me a whatever but i really don't see the hype behind these damn watches. i already have a ipod along with a cell phone that tells me the time. getting an expensive watch just defeats the purpose of having it. i see people all over the web and @ my school goosing over em like the pokemon epidemic back in the 90's. In other news it's cold as fuck out here,my question is where's the damn snow @??? i'm ready to get out of school for countless days since i don't have to make em up. welp guess i'll just have to wait and see

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well i don't know what to really do. i hate when people try to control my life. my motha told me the other day that i might not be able to go to morgan cause she thinks i would waste her and my fathers money. I think otherwise i know for a fact that i wouldn't waste money nor time. she said i should just go to some hospital and take courses in radiology. i really don't care for it to much but i could start off making a descent amount of money in 18 months. but i'd rather experience college instead of just going strait to the money. in a way i kinda want to do it but then i don't,it's up in the air right now. In other news,i guess my track coaches decided to give me a little praise since i've consistently showed up to practice n shit. indoor is kinda boring which is why i lose interest in it so fast every year. I don't think i'ma sign up for outdoor either cuz i really want to get a job. i really don't want to ask my parents for money anymore and i really need to get on the grind for a car cuz i'm not as fortunate as most who have cars waiting on them before they get their license or the grandparents just cop em a whip out the random. plus i just want money in my pocket just because....So since track season is slowly going away i think i'ma just apply for a job,i know you only have your senior year once but i can pretty much see that i'ma just be wasting my time running outdoor track.....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What A Day

Welp to start things off it was raining like a mother fucker today. aside from that my damn ride decided to sleep like it's time to hibernate.luckily my mom was home so she told me to just take her car. note i was already late one time this week so i had to get my moms to write me a note so i don't fail 1st period with so many damn tardies. All my classes were pretty dull today.but thank god it was a half day so i went home and went smack to sleep for like 2 hours only bad part was that i had to get up later and go back to school for track practice. so i get up around 2 and forgot my license but i didn't care cuz i doubted i would get pulled over,so i got pick my mans up and we get ready to turn into the school and i noticed a fed was sitting across the street from the school so i turn into the school and i see two feds behind me lights on so next i was like damn i don't have my damn i parked and got out and the feds just hit a u turn out of the parking lot. so then me and my mans walk up to the school and we tried to open the doors but they was locked so as soon as i turn around theres a fed behind sayin what are you doing here,i was like i got practice so he told me that it was 3 niggas running around the school with guns. So me and my mans get ready to run back to the car and leave but our track coach called us into the school so we sat in the gym for like a half hour with the girls basketball team. I wanted to sneak out and go home but it was way to many feds around there and they said one of the niggas with the gun had dreads,i just so happen to have my hair in twist right now so i didn't wanna run outside and a 20 guns put in my face cuz you know they can't tell the difference. So after 30 minutes we sat in the damn gym,hoping that practice was canceled. i was sadly mistaken we only practiced for like 2 hours though. I really don't care for running track anymore but thats a story for another day....

Monday, January 5, 2009

What a way to end 08 lil wayne

the funniest part is when he slipped in the middle of his verse and then he hops up
out of no where and finishes it. LMFAO

Saturday, January 3, 2009


People that smoke weed become undependable,a few friends/acquaintances already proved this theory to be true.