Damn homie i can't believe it's been one year already. man i swear shit ain't been the same since you left. i remember the day you vividly like a bad dream. me justin and ian went to ihop to get some dinner/breakfest cuz we ain't have school that thursday. right when i get my pancake combo i get a phone call from lindsay,she told me that you got killed in a car accident. I swear my whole body temperature just fell,i never felt so cold in my life it was like my soul left me. my appetite just left was gone as well. then i got a 2nd phone call from ross tellin me he saw it on the news that you was gone. once i got home i told my parents and they just starred at me in dis belief. The i saw your face come up on channel 9 and i finally broke down crying like a infant. i didn't just lose a friend that day i lost a brother. i remember hanging out with you gym class by in middle school and we used to just fry each other. man i wish you was still here cuz i'm sure you would have some D1 college in your face today. man with the b-ball skills you had along with that 3.9 gpa there was no telling what you could have done. but i'm not gonna sit here and mourn that your gone,i'm just gonna continue to cherish all those memories we had. one thing i love about memories is that they will never change. hope you save me a spot in the clouds brova.
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