yea i've been gone for a minute. went down atlanta to see some fam. the trip was near perfect until some asshole decided to buy 12 pairs of infared 90's. yea i understand the whole spend money make money thing but damn. dude bought the whole stock. but whatever thats how it goes sometimes. I went to a basketball game down at morehouse college. saw bow wow,jermaine dupri and nelly balling. jermaine is the worst. bow wow is iight, and nelly is pretty damn good. of course i looked @ their feet and saw absolutely no heat. i think jermaine had on the dmp 6's.nelly had on the 6 rings.and bow wow had on some 15 se's. o and kevin hart was there too along with soulja boy and man that fuckin donk song is irritating as fuck. Well in other news copped 2 nice cd's down there ne-yo's year of the gentlemen and lloyds lessons of love. both of em are something serious i suggest you cop em immediately. well thats it for now i'll post later.
Share of the Week – Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Last week, we asked you rewind back to the summer of 1995 and share moments
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