Man have you ever had a friend that you made a few years down the road and then one day for some odd reason they just completely stop talking to you??? I'ma tell a story about a girl that i met way back in my sophomore year of high school. So it all started at lunch one day and i saw this beautiful young freshmen. I checked her out day by day then i eventually told a mutual friend to put me on with her. He told her that i was feeling her and she said that i was ugly. At the time i was highly upset but looking back on it, it's kinda funny that she said that. Then to add humor to that situation she tried to lie when i confronted her about it. I knew my boy didn't lie to me cuz he really didn't have a purpose to lie. So a few weeks go by and finally we start talking and we eventually developed a friendship. A year goes by and she ended up moving. Yet some how me and her kept touch with each other. I still had strong feelings for her. I'm confident that she knew but she played it cool i guess. Me and her used to talk on the phone for countless hours. I mean we used to start talking to each other at 8 at night til like 5 in the morning. We lost touch for a few months and then a few months down the road we started back up like we never stopped talking. Eventually i started to fall for her all over again and we hung out a few times at my house,nothing intimate happened which was still good to me i just being her presence was good enough for me. Finally senior rolls around for me and out of no where she moves back around my area. We were still cool and i asked her to my prom. She agreed which was surprising to me. I went around school and told a few close friends that she was my date and they were just as surprised as i was that she said yes. Then a few days later she leaves me this long story on myspace telling why she couldn't go to prom with me. To be honest i wasn't shocked at all i actually expected it to happen just because, she's gave me lame excuses in the past. Now lets just fast forward to this year to whats up with her so far. So she told me that she was going to go into the air force which is great to me as long as she does something with herself. I'm not going to lie though i was somewhat blown cuz i wouldn't see her around anymore. One weekend i came home from school and took her out for her bday and got a lil bite to eat. I payed for all of it and i really didn't mind at all because it was honestly from the heart. Then a few months down the road she would send me the good morning text and etc. Then a little before i got out of school this semester i ended up getting into a feud with a mutual friend of ours and i spoke with her about him. Long story short i guess she became an informant and told him what i said about him which was nothing serious. I was in awe when i found out that she ran her mouth behind my back. But ultimately i was mad at myself for giving him her number again. So now as for today i see her at the mall which she works at and she acts odd around me like she's amazed to see but yet she's nonchalant towards me. I went to the mall the other day with a random female friend and small world they know each other which is no problem to me. but when i attempted to start a convo with my old friend she was being short with me. So i told her to text me so we could catch up, plus i deleted her number. We had a slight convo but she stop texting me back so i'm going to delete her number again and erase the memory as if i never met her. I refuse to run behind anyone to be my friend. Yeah i will feel some remorse but time heals and i'll replace her with another female friend that i'll meet along the road of life.