found this on net,some of it's useful some of it is WTF???
Anything to do with laxatives
Give their email to every spammer you can find
Encrypt all their files for them and forget the key
Call ahead when they fly and request the 'white glove' treatment at security
Put your enemy's contact info in your next big virus
Fill their car with corn syrup
If married/dating, gold foil condom wrappers under the car seat
Install a bunch of spyware and adware on their computer
Put a copy of "Star Wars III" on their PC and call the MPAA
cover their windshield with melted jolly ranchers
Pour kerosene into their ashtray
send them poop for christmas
Pop the tires on his car
Sign Them Up For 100 Gay Porno Sites
Spray paint their headlights black.
Swap their KY Jelly and their Icy hot.
sew enemy's PJs to bed while they sleep in them
egg their house with honey and let loose a circus bear
find the ugliest hooker u can and sell him/her to ur enemy
tie them down over an ant bed and watch them die from ant bites
Signing them up for 100 gay porn sites
steal their rent money and then laugh when they move back in with mom and dad
the juices of raw chicken that was out about 2 days the smell never comes out
Tie a rhino to their nipple
While they sleep, cover their yard with concrete-filled lawn gnomes
five words:molotov cocktail in the toilet
hire the right eyeball guy to annoy them
Sign up for those "get a free ipod" thingys with his name
Take a heaping helping of revenge and add a sweetening agent of your choice.
Yell "i am Lugash" and Kick 'em in the genitals
Find their family, and then kill everyone in it but them
Gift copy of Qur'an with gun-shaped cut out inside
Involve power tools in your plans wherever possible.
Send money to terrorists in their name
kill the figgy newton guy
Kill the person who keeps making figgy newton entries if the don\'t shut up.
Sleep with his sister
Tranq 'em, then Trebuchet them over a wall
While they sleep, cover their yard with evil concrete-filled lawn gnomes
smother their house with honey and set loose a circus bear
force feed them there parents
Mix the poison with honey.
Post an incriminating real-life story on keepers (with a name and address)
Letter bomb
sugar in gas tank
a humble ripe ol' slapping in the morn'
Wait 20 years, get them as a waiter, then don't tip
The cupcake from "Invader Zim,"(yay for Gir!)
Strap the guy to a rocket and post him to Iraq
Burn down the Gumdrop factory
Make up stupid items mocking the figgy newton guy
Buy enemy some Figgy Newtons
give them a figgy newton
Share of the Week – Lost Records: Bloom & Rage
Last week, we asked you rewind back to the summer of 1995 and share moments
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